Introduction of KMA

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YOO, Hee-Dong Administrator, Korea Meteorological Administration

Welcome to the KMA website.

Weather is crucial for not only deciding on what to wear and planning your day, but for different sectors in our society such as industry and sports. In particular, the weather information plays a key role in protecting people's life and property from hazardous weather events.

The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) is committed to providing weather information in a prompt and accurate manner, to ensure that people can enjoy a safe and comfortable way of life and economic benefits. Also, when an earthquake or other natural disaster is predicted, we make every effort to promptly deliver earthquake and disaster-related information to the public to help them avoid being placed in danger and reduce economic losses.

In addition, the KMA offers scientific information and scenarios on climate change to contribute to developing national policies to respond to climate change; it also utilizes weather and climate big data to support industrial economic activities that generate a higher added value.

This website provides you with an overview of the main policies and activities implemented by the KMA as well as the meteorological information of the past, present, and future. I hope you find the information available on this website useful and informative for your day-to-day life and the national economic growth.

"Watching the Sky Friendly, Serving the People Faithfully."— This is what we always keep in mind.

Thank you.