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Geo-KOMPSAT-2A will be launched in Nov 2018.

GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK-2A), which is primarily a meteorological mission, but also performs space weather monitoring, will be launched in November 2018.

The AMI (Advanced Meteorological Imager), the payload for the meteorological mission of GK-2A, is comparable to those of the AHI (Advanced Himawari Imager) and ABI (Advanced Baseline Imager) onboard Himawari-8/9 and GOES-16/17, respectively.

The detailed specification of AMI is as follows:
- Multichannel capacity: 16 channels (4 visible, 2 near-infrared, and 10 infrared channels)
- High spatial resolution: 0.5, 1.0 km for visible and 2 km for infrared channels
- Fast imaging: within 10 min for Full Disk observation
- Flexibility for the regional area selection and scheduling

GK-2A will also fly the KSEM (Korean Space wEather Monitoring) instrument package as a piggy-back mission. The KSEM instruments is used to monitor the near-Earth space weather conditions which affect a number of human activities including the radiation environment hazardous to spacecraft, crews of high-altitude aircraft, and the ionosphere environment. The KSEM package is composed of a particle detector (PD), a magnetometer (SOSMAG), a spacecraft charging monitor (CM), and an on-board Instrument Data-Processing Unit (IDPU) for 24 h/7 days during 10 years of mission lifetime.

Dr. NAM, the Administrator of the KMA, was designated as the EC of the WMO.
2016 Korea Global Atmosphere Watch Report Summary