- KMA’s Endeavors for Development Cooperation
- 2019/05/17
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KMA’s Endeavors for Development Cooperation
KMA Administrator KIM Jongseok held a talk with senior UNDP experts from the climate change adaption sector at the headquarters of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) on 15 May to discuss how to make concerted efforts in enhancing the capacity of developing countries to tackle climate change issues.
The KMA and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) exchanged information of the status and plan of their respective projects in Cambodia aiming to strengthen meteorological infrastructure and climate information and early warning system. Through this dialogue, they shared the idea that it could be a great benefit for two agencies to develop multi-bilateral projects creating synergies rather than duplicate efforts. Also, they explored the possibility of signing a mutual agreement as a basis to cooperate in the future.
The KMA has been operating ODA projects in seven countries ―Vietnam, Myanmar, Mongolia, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan and Lao PDR― for the advancement of national meteorological system and forecasting and warning system, climate data rescue and the installation of Automatic Weather System (AWS).
“As part of the effort to scale up its support for developing countries, the KMA will enhance ties with other Members and partners including UNDP in development cooperation, while actively getting involved in related projects such as CREWS Initiative to build resilience against the impacts of weather and climate events”, said Mr. KIM.
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