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2018 사진전입상작, [햇무리]

> 자유토론

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JMA 일본 기상청 볼라벤 최전성기 920hPa 50m/s 예상

김경노 2012/08/24 조회수 3829

Issued at 06:45 UTC, 24 August 2012

Scale Large
Intensity Strong
Center position N21°40´(21.7°)
Direction and speed of movement NW 15km/h(8kt)
Central pressure 950hPa
Maximum wind speed near the center 40m/s(80kt)
Maximum wind gust speed 60m/s(115kt)
Area of 50kt winds or more ALL150km(80NM)
Area of 30kt winds or more ALL560km(300NM

<Forecast for 25/06 UTC>
Intensity Very Strong
Center position of probability circle N24°00´(24.0°)
Direction and speed of movement NW 15km/h(8kt)
Central pressure 930hPa
Maximum wind speed near the center 45m/s(90kt)
Maximum wind gust speed 65m/s(130kt)
Radius of probability circle 130km(70NM)
Storm warning area ALL350km(190NM

<Forecast for 26/06 UTC>
Intensity Very Strong
Center position of probability circle N25°55´(25.9°)
Direction and speed of movement NW 15km/h(8kt)
Central pressure 920hPa
Maximum wind speed near the center 50m/s(95kt)
Maximum wind gust speed 70m/s(135kt)
Radius of probability circle 200km(110NM)
Storm warning area ALL460km(250NM

<Forecast for 27/06 UTC>
Intensity Very Strong
Center position of probability circle N28°35´(28.6°)
Direction and speed of movement NW 15km/h(8kt)
Central pressure 920hPa
Maximum wind speed near the center 50m/s(95kt)
Maximum wind gust speed 70m/s(135kt)
Radius of probability circle 300km(160NM)
Storm warning area ALL560km(300NM)

댓글 3
  • 남**님의 프로필사진

    외국기상청에서 태풍정보 얻어온다는 양반이 영어도 모르면서 우찌 봤대????
    그림만 보고 혼자 추측한건가?????ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
    진짜 코미디구먼....

    남형우 2012-08-24 18:20:33

  • 최**님의 프로필사진

    26일, 27일 UTC 06시에 (울나라 시간으로 오후3시) 중심기압 920, 최대풍속 50m/s이라네요. ㄷㄷ 강풍반경도 560km고...

    최민준 2012-08-24 17:42:44

  • 최**님의 프로필사진

    왠 영어 한글로 남겨주세요!! 몬소린지 모르겠네

    최호중 2012-08-24 16:33:50

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